Āyurvedic Medicine and Yoga


A thorough approach to your complete well-being through a nourishing diet, daily practices, yoga āsana (medicinal movement), prāṇāyāma (breathing practices), meditation and herbs specifically designed for your unique constitution and imbalances.

Get to the root of the cause

Ayurvedic Assessment

Contact Sylvia to learn more about your unique constitution and to understand how to work with any current imbalances.


What is Āyurveda?

Your constitution (Prakṛti)
Current State/imbalances (Vikṛti)


As important as it is to alleviate any current symptoms, it is equally important to get to the root cause of any suffering.  To achieve optimal health, we must first understand our own true nature.  For good reason, Āyurveda places emphasis on digestive health.  We often begin by focusing on your agni (digestive fire/metabolism) thereby returning your entire digestive system into a state of balance helping you to digest, absorb and assimilate your nutrients most efficiently.  We will work together to find a process that feels like a joy added to your life, not a burden, through the tools of yoga postures, meditation, breathing, nutritional guidance and other traditional Āyurvedic and Yogic methods.

What is Ayurveda?

Nov 03, 2024

Initial Consult and Report of Findings  $199


Initial Consultation:  60 minutes dedicated to you.  This is an in-depth Āyurvedic assessment determining your unique physical and psychological profile using Āyurvedic diagnostic techniques.  Along with your paperwork, this will give us the framework to determine your Prakṛti (constitution or genetic makeup) and Vikṛti (your current imbalances).  This will be your time to discuss any issues you would like to address.

Report of Findings Consultation: Approximately 30 minutes.  The ROF is scheduled one week after the IC (Initial Consultation).  We will go over Āyurvedic principles that will help your understanding of what we are trying to achieve and how.  We will go over the first steps of a comprehensive treatment plan designed specifically for you. 

Additionally, you will receive our premium membership to the website for the duration of our time together.  This will include online classes and courses to help further your learning and keep you motivated.  We have yoga, breathing and meditation classes as well as Āyurveda tutorials.  Our courses include 40+ hours of content such as:  Breathing for Performance and Health, Yogic Philosophy 101, Chair Yoga and Mudras and Healing Meditation and Relaxation.

In person or tele-health available.

Follow Up Visits


60 minutes:  $108

30 minutes: $60

For the first few months of our time together, it is recommended to meet every one to two weeks for 60 minutes.  Later, once a month is appropriate for most clients.  We will work together to find the best pace for you to implement your treatment plan.  

The 30 minute option is for clients who have quick questions or would like to check in periodically but don't need the full 60 minutes.  

In person or tele-health available.

12 Session Consultation Package


This package includes your Initial Consult, Report of Findings visits plus 10 additional sessions.


We will go over Āyurvedic principles that will help your understanding of what we are trying to achieve and how. We will go over the first steps of a comprehensive treatment plan designed specifically for you. Your treatment plan may include diet, exercise, yoga, breathing, and meditation.

Additionally, you will receive our premium membership to the website for the duration of our time together. This will include online classes and courses to help further your learning and keep you motivated. We have yoga, breathing and meditation classes as well as Āyurveda tutorials. Our courses include 40+ hours of content of: Daily Detox, Breathing for Performance and Health, The Yamas and Niyamas, Chair Yoga and Mudras and Yoga Nidra Package.

After the IC and the ROF, we will meet for 10 sessions, 60 minutes each.
For the first few months of our time together, it is recommended to meet every one to two weeks for 60 minutes. Later, once a month is appropriate for most clients. We will work together to find the best pace for you to implement your treatment plan.

In person or tele-health available.

Book a FREE 30 Minute Consult

Customized Yoga, Breathing, Meditation

Āyurvedic Nutrition and Digestive Health

Personalized Āyurvedic Formulas